bird photography : western bluebird
$caption = "Near the visitor center at Elkhorn Slough, a wide field is a favored hangout for Western Bluebirds, and during a late-spring trip there in 2009, I spent several hours sitting at a picnic table in the field snapping photos of one family of bluebirds. In addition to hovering over the field (hunting for insects), the male perched on the picnic tables as well as a water spigot nearby.";
$photoSettings["constrainCaptionWidth"] = false;
$photoSettings["useBorder"] = true;
$photoSettings["location"] = "Chateau Papillon / Fairfax, VA";
$photoSettings["lens"] = "Canon EF 300mm f4L IS with 1.4x Teleconverter";
$photoSettings["notes"] = "Although not too far south of the frequently-foggy San Francisco Bay area, Elkhorn Slough and the broader Monterey area was uncharacteristically overcast during my visit, making good photos with snappy contrast quite a challenge.";
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