bird photography : ruddy turnstone
$caption = "John spotted this little Ruddy Turnstone hopping along the railing of one of the piers at Fort De Soto Park. Though not the most natural of setting, the bird's perch did allow for a nice blurring of the background--and, after all, seaside piers are a 'natural' habitat for many shorebirds like this one.";
$photoSettings["constrainCaptionWidth"] = false;
$photoSettings["useBorder"] = true;
$photoSettings["location"] = "Fort De Soto Park / Tierra Verde, FL";
$photoSettings["lens"] = "Canon EF 300mm f4L IS with 1.4x Teleconverter";
$photoSettings["notes"] = "Use of a flash would have perhaps made this photo truly special, as the turnstone's eyes are a bit flat as-is.";
=displayPhoto("RuddyTurnstone_Large.jpg", $caption, CAPTION_UNDER, SHOW_EXIF);?>