bird photography : northern flicker
$caption = "John and Beth happened upon this Northern Flicker while returning from a day of birding at Huntley Meadows Park. That this is a yellow-shafted variety of Northern Flicker is quite obvious from the photograph.";
$photoSettings["constrainCaptionWidth"] = false;
$photoSettings["useBorder"] = true;
$photoSettings["location"] = "Huntley Meadows Park / Fairfax County, VA";
$photoSettings["lens"] = "Canon EF 300mm f4L IS with 1.4x Teleconverter";
$photoSettings["notes"] = "Though the shutter speed is less than optimal for this photograph--John had been shooting ducks and sandpipers in more direct sun when he turned to capture these images (and thus had his settings out-of-whack for the more diffuse lighting on the flicker), the image is relatively sharp thanks to Canon's IS technology and the use of a monopod.";
=displayPhoto("NorthernFlicker2_Large.jpg", $caption, CAPTION_UNDER, SHOW_EXIF);?>