bird photography : blue-winged teal
$caption = "John heard several ducks feeding in the shallow waters just off the path at Huntley Meadows, and when he and Beth crept down for a closer look, they found this fine Blue-winged Teal drake and his mate. A few days before, several birders had debated a distant spotting as being either teal or Ring-necked Ducks (the latter being the eventual correct identification)--but this time, they did see the elusive Blue-winged Teal.";
$photoSettings["constrainCaptionWidth"] = false;
$photoSettings["useBorder"] = true;
$photoSettings["location"] = "Huntley Meadows Park / Fairfax County, VA";
$photoSettings["lens"] = "Canon EF 300mm f4L IS with 1.4x Teleconverter";
$photoSettings["notes"] = "Hopefully, John will have a chance to capture a better image of this beautiful duck--without blowing the highlights of the duck's white facial stripe.";
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